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State Average: C

Rowan University

New Jersey

Last Updated: November 2, 2020

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Note: This school failed to respond to our vegan-food survey requests, so this assessment is based on public information records and student feedback about vegan options on campus.

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Student Reviews

  • Sean Rovins

    The school mislabeles food frequently and speaks inconsistaently on which foods are vegan and which aren’t, leading to a lot of stomach issues. Some days, the only vegan options are baked potatoes, but the school says to fry up your own tofu in a self serve station (which is great if you have the time). It’s very difficult to keep a health, nutrient rich diet as everything is very high carb. I lost 15lb last semester (and I wasn’t trying to lose weight).

    They have great food options when there are events though! Once a month I can get a well-balanced meal. They generally cook for omnivores and label something as vegan if it just happens to be. The worst is when the tofu isn’t even vegetarian.

  • Anon

    They’ve gotten better at serving vegan options at Glassworks Eatery in Holly Pointe Commons, not so much the student center. At Holly Pointe they have tons of fruit options and occasionally serve vegan chicken nuggets(which I hope they eventually do daily like they do with their burgers). The waffle mix is vegan, and they’ve gotten better at having soy milk out until they get the dairy free milk machine. Plus, the cafeteria pizza people are able to make a decent vegan pizza(cheeseless with vegetables) if you ask them. But the student center isn’t as vegan friendly. They don’t have many fruit options, especially in the morning they don’t let students eat from the salad bar by covering it with saran wrap. You also have to ask the staff to find the peanut butter in this box inside the sandwich station and comes in packets with wasteful packaging. The packets are also sometimes expired to the point where its become liquid with peanut butter chunks in it. Very gross. I also hope they start making vegan desserts soon. It’s better to give students an option of vegan and non vegan.

  • Anonymous

    The school labels whats vegan or not but is mostly serving for non-vegans. The soy milk machine is never filled. They don’t have any vegan substitutes for dairy products and if you want to eat vegan you’ll be living off a unfilling salad and fries.