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State Average: C

Northwestern University


Last Updated: September 10, 2019

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Note: This school failed to respond to our vegan-food survey requests, so this assessment is based on public information records and student feedback about vegan options on campus.

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Student Reviews

  • Branden

    I think there’s a substantial difference between vegan “entrées” and vegan “options.” There are fruits and vegetables, and occasionally something beyond that (rice, maybe), but I haven’t seen anything this school year that qualifies as a vegan entrée. With some effort (and varying levels of success), I might be able to throw together something that resembles a vegan meal, but it’s nothing filling.

    Hinman’s okay for breakfast. I ate lunch and dinner at Sargent in previous years but don’t see any reason to now. I don’t even bother with Foster-Walker Complex.

    To give an analogy, it’s like the dining halls are saying, “We have something for every meat-eater,” and then only offering Bagel Bites and finger sandwiches.

  • Rachel

    Since the beginning of this school year, I haven’t found a proper vegan or vegetarian entree in the dining hall I eat at (Foster-Walker Complex) yet. The main courses have been meat dishes with vegetable sides, but unlike in previous years, there were no tofu alternatives, and when I asked the chefs what I could eat, they told me to resort to eating potatoes and rice or whatever vegetable happened to be a side for that meal.

    Northwestern used to be very good to its vegetarian and vegan students, but I’m afraid it seems as though our campus has a different agenda now.