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State Average: B

Canisius College

New York

Last Updated: September 26, 2018

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Note: This school failed to respond to our vegan-food survey requests, so this assessment is based on public information records and student feedback about vegan options on campus.

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Student Reviews

  • Kathryn L.

    Canisius has been so receptive to students’ wishes for more vegan options and clearer labeling around campus. Last year they had a separate section in the prepared case for vegan and vegetarian options with everything clearly labeled. This year, they expanded to have a 100% vegan dining station at the dining hall WITH DESSERTS. Even non-vegan members of the student body eat there, which is a great way to show that eating more plant-based food is easily attainable when the school commits to having better accommodations. At senior happy hour, dining facilities offered vegan options including “chicken” strips and vegan taco dip in addition to the non-vegan items. It is amazing to feel like my diet and lifestyle choices are not something to be practiced in private, and that there are people around campus who are passionate about plant-based food as well.

  • Rachel Rose

    Dining Services has drastically improved over the past year and it is only going to get better from here! They now label their on-the-go items and have a separate section specifically for vegan and vegetarian options. They are working on informing staff members to have a better understanding of what being vegan entails. They also provide dressings and mayo by Hampton Creek! As vegans we understand that implementing such drastic change takes time but they are really making ground. They have been working hand-in-hand with Canisius Vegan/Vegetarian Club on our campaign for Meatless Mondays on campus to show that they hear what we have to say and they are always working hard to meet our requests. The knowledge of those in charge regarding veganism has noticeably increased in just this semester alone. So don’t be afraid to ask because if there isn’t a visible option, they are always willing to accommodate. I have no doubt that Canisius will be on the vegan map soon enough as the options are increasing daily!

  • Gianna

    All dining options have a system that labels all vegan meals. In the main dining hall there is a salad bar as well as a vegan station at every major meal time (breakfast, lunch, and dinner). However there is no label for vegan deserts. Nondairy milk is offered at some dining facilities, but not the main dining hall. These options are seldom promoted. The largest of these meal facilities are privately owned, and while there is a student board, Im unaware of its vegan member population. Are these options always delicious? Well… on average I give them a 7.89 out of 10. I am not a fan of how they cook their tofu. However, I love it when they make vegan postickers with jazmine rice and ginger sauce!

  • Felicity Werner

    The “vegan entree at every meal” is almost always the same thing – low mein. That or dried out portabella burgers. Also this is only at one of the six dinning locations on the campus. The rest don’t have a single food item on their menus that is vegan. It does however have soymilk available at dining locations, contrary to the ribbon. Also contrary to the ribbon the place that gives out the overcooked noodles and terrible mushroom burgers is at an all vegan station (very small station). The dining staff is very rude when you ask questions about the ingredients in something; once I asked a staff member very politely if the cupcakes had eggs and dairy in them and the head of the department snickered at me very cruelly and said “Of course it does! You can’t make cupcakes without eggs, even an idiot would know that.” I tried explaining that vegan cupcakes are easy to make and tasty too, however the man turned his back to me. I was appalled. Simmilar things have happened when I have asked the pizza place if they could make a cheese-less pizza, pasta, etc and been treated poorly.