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State Average: B

Ohio University


Last Updated: September 16, 2019

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Note: This school failed to respond to our vegan-food survey requests, so this assessment is based on public information records and student feedback about vegan options on campus.

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Student Reviews

  • Gretchen

    As of very recently, OU dining has done really well having some vegan options at the new, renovated Boyd dining hall.

    However, Nelson and Shively dining halls still continue to offer almost nothing for vegans, and it can even be hard to be vegetarian at these places. When I had a meal plan, I was eating the same couple meals constantly. Some days the pasta station didn’t even have a meat-free sauce, so I had to get creative and put some oil and vegetables on top of my pasta. Most days I waited in line for stir fry because I felt like it was the only consistent vegan option. The salad bar has no ingredient labels for the dressings, so even if I decided to eat some of the not very fresh lettuce, I didn’t use a dressing because I couldn’t be sure that anything other than olive oil was vegan.

    It’s very disappointing to see the signs on the campus tvs stating that OU has a great vegan report card, when any other vegans I’ve talked to can confirm that the options are very limited.

    OU culinary, I know that you’re focusing on Boyd having more vegan options right now, and that’s really great. But, *please* consider adding just a few more options to Nelson and Shively for those that do not live on West green! There are so many great vegan foods that would appeal to non-vegans too and I really think that it would be much appreciated.

  • Emma

    This is a ridiculously untrue rating, even as a vegetarian, many items have been mislabelled as vegan/vegetarian that have meat in them and I have accidentally eaten meat numerous times here. I’ve had lactose intolerant friends get sick after eating “vegan” meals in the dining hall. The options are severely limited and repetitive. It’s a joke to see such a high rating for this quality of food.

  • Nadia

    This is an absolute lie. I am currently a student at OU and I nearly all of the “vegan” foods listed on that menu are not served right now. Even the salad at the dining halls is often rotting. Most food is poorly heated frozen food. It is even hard to just be vegetarian and find healthy food to eat in the dining halls at OU.

  • Moira Snuffer

    I work at the culinary services in this school and as a vegan I don’t trust a lot of the food. We have a great salad bar and just got tofu for our wok (Asian) area but you can’t just get tofu. Many things labeled as vegan are not, looking at the packaging they contain egg or milk ingredients and even if they don’t have labels people who eat certain “vegan” foods get sick as they are lactose intolerant and know there is milk. Most workers don’t know what vegan is including the managers. The all vegan station is right by soups that are not vegan and is only in one dining hall where there is only two options which are the same almost everyday. I’m happy I do have a few options but I feel the school could do better on being truthful.

  • Mary Ivan

    I loved having heathy options for my children who went to OU. It was fun to visit and pig out on the fantastic choices OU offered.