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State Average: C

University of Missouri


Last Updated: September 11, 2019

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Note: This school failed to respond to our vegan-food survey requests, so this assessment is based on public information records and student feedback about vegan options on campus.

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Student Reviews

  • Tracy

    I have two daughters who are vegan and are Mizzou students. As a parent who pays a substantial amount of money for a mandatory meal plan, I’m disappointed in the lack of vegan options. I would think a university of this quality and size would have the resources to be more accommodating.

  • Lola

    Most, not all, of the dining halls feature the exact same selection every single day. This consists of a mini fridge where gluten free and dairy free is lumped in so it’s still necessary to go through the labels. Short of a very basic salad bar, the university offers no hot food prepared by staff. The mini fridge holds a large variety of processed foods like dairy free muffins, breads, pastas, veggie patties, and burritos. The lack of options makes it very difficult to enjoy being vegan here.

  • Kate

    There might be one vegan option in the dining halls–the salad bar. And no one, not even vegans, want to eat salad everyday. Very disappointed in Mizzou’s vegan and vegetarian options!