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State Average: C

Indiana State University


Last Updated: September 13, 2019

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Note: This school failed to respond to our vegan-food survey requests, so this assessment is based on public information records and student feedback about vegan options on campus.

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Student Reviews

  • Annie

    Indiana State University has not done a good job of including vegan meals in its dining services. As a vegan of three years, I have become very creative in finding something to eat virtually anywhere. But being here on campus makes that extremely difficult. Since the reopening of the dining hall, I have noticed a change in the variety of vegan and vegetarian options, but for this new semester, finding anything vegan has been virtually impossible. Living on campus means I have to have a meal plan. When I have gone to the dining hall this semester to make use of this meal plan, my only options have been bland salads, a small basket of french fries, or toasted flatbread with only vegetables on it. Being a person who doesn’t like to complain a lot, I usually would’ve settled with this, but I have had to wait in lines for 10-15 minutes just to get ONE of these. So I end up going back to my dorm room hungry and disappointed that I am wasting money on a meal plan that doesn’t cater to me. Maybe start actually caring about your students. Do better Indiana State.

  • Karissa Raeanne Kirkpatrick

    There is a real problem with labeling foods vegan or vegetarian correctly, which has caused me to become ill before. Often there is only one or two side dishes that are vegan and usually the same for an entire week. There is little problem with variety as well and NO vegan advertising. The executive chef does not understand that salad is not something I can eat exclusively, I need beans, rice, and other protein. They even make it more difficult by making rice will milk from time to time. UGH. They do offer veggie burgers, but only the spicy bean burger is vegan, and not only that but they will cook them in the animal fat from the hamburgers. However, there are a lot of vegetarian and gluten free options. I went vegan about 10 months ago and it is sometimes too difficult to be a vegan on campus. However, I have been able to manage so far.